

2021-10-11 17:00:03 加拿大留学云 4008-941-360








Q: Where are you coming from today?你今天是从什么地方过来的?

A: I am from Shanghai,China.我从上海过来。

Q: What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

A: My name is Yj ZHAO.我叫Yj ZHAO。

Q: And your birthday?你的出生年月日?

A: My birthday is January 23, 2004.我的生日是2004年1月23日。

Q: Do you bring any food?你有携带食品吗?

A: No.没有。

Q: Why are you coming here to Canada?你来加拿大的目的是什么?

A: I am coming here to Canada because I am studying at University of *****.我来****大学读书。

Q: Which grade?哪个年级?

A: Great 12.12年级。

Q: Can I see your letter of acceptance, please?能否出示一下你的录取通知书?

A: Here you go.在这。

Q: Who is paying your tuition fees?谁给你付学费?

A: My parents will pay for it. They have already paid the first year for me as well. Here’s the receipt.我父母给我付学费。他们也已经给我付了第一年的学费。这是收据。

Q: How will you support yourself in Canada?你如何解决在加拿大的生活费用?

A: My parents will pay my living expenses.我父母支付我的生活费用。

Q: Are you traveling with someone?你有和其他人同行吗?

A: No, I travel alone.没有,就我一个人。

Q: Do you have any family members here?你在加拿大有其他家庭成员吗?

A: No, I don’t.没有。

Q: What is your address here in Canada?你在加拿大的住址是什么?

A: I will stay at a homestay in Downtown Toronto. Here’s the address.我住在多伦多市区的寄宿家庭。这是地址。

Q: Have you registered and sign in to the ArriveCAN?你有注册ArriveCAN并登录(上传信息)了吗?

A: Yes I did.是的。

Q: Did you receive a negative test result for COVID-19?你收到新冠检测阴性报告吗?

A: Yes, I did, and here’s the report.是的,这是检测报告。

Q: Have you been vaccinated?你接种疫苗了吗?

A: Yes, I did, and here’s my proof.是的,这是我的(接种)证明文件。

Q: What is your plan for your 14 days quarantine in Canada?你如何安排在加拿大14天的隔离?

A: I will do my quarantine in my room at the homestay, the room with a private washroom. And here’s my plan.我在寄宿家庭的房间里隔离。房间有独立卫生间。这是隔离计划。

Q: Who will provide food and essentials to you during your quarantine period?谁给你提供隔离期间吃的和生活必需品?

A: The homestay host will deliver the food to my room.住家会把吃的送到我的房间。


1. Do you have a new or worsening cough?你是否有新的或恶化的咳嗽?

2. Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?

3. Is your temperature equal to or over 38℃?你的体温是否达到或超过 38℃?

4. Do you have a sore throat? 你喉咙痛吗?

5. Do you experience shortness of breath, or have difficulty breathing? 你是否感到呼吸急促或呼吸困难?

6. Do you have difficulty swallowing? 你感觉到吞咽困难吗?

7. Do you have a runny nose? 你流鼻涕吗?

8. Are you sneezing你打喷嚏吗

9. Do you have a headache? 你头疼吗?

10. Do you experience a decrease or loss of taste or smell recently? 你最近是否有味觉、嗅觉减退或者丧失的情况?

11. Do you have muscle aches or joint pains? 你感觉肌肉酸痛或关节痛吗?

12. Do you experience extreme fatigue or tiredness? 你是否感到极度疲劳或疲倦?

13. Do you have digestive issues like vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain? 你是否有消化问题,比如呕吐、腹泻或胃痛等?

14. Are you taking any medicine?你在服药吗?

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