

2012-05-27 15:28:56 加拿大留学云 4008-941-360





International Students


The University of Winnipeg offers both a high quality education and affordable tuition/fees. The cost of living in Winnipeg is also lower than most other Canadian centres.

In this section, you'll find information on the expenses you should plan for in your first year of studies, as well as ways to obtain additional funding (employment, scholarships, etc.).

Please note that all figures are subject to change and should be regarded as a guide only. All estimates are in Canadian dollars. Use a web-based currency converter to make a comparison to your own currency.

Estimated Cost of Tuition, Fees, Books and Supplies 

These amounts are based on maximum full-course load of 30 credit hours over two academic terms (eight months, September to April) for the 2011-2012 academic year:




Application fee






General fees









For details on tuition and fees, please see Fee Information.

Estimated Living Expenses

These amounts are for two academic terms (eight months, September to April) for an individual in 2011-12:

Accommodations/meal plan*   

$3,528 or $7,200*

Bus pass


Miscellaneous allowance


Health insurance fees**



$6,621 or $10,293

* These are prices for a shared dorm/shared facilities OR a private dorm/private bathroom at McFeetors Hall; both have a meal plan included.  See Campus Living for more information and other options.

**The health insurance program for international students is currently in transition.  Details will become available in the next few months.

Note: Airfare is not included in any of these estimates.

Scholarships & Bursaries

International students are eligible for some entrance scholarships based on excellent academic standing. You will be automatically considered if you apply for FALL admission by March 1. For complete information on scholarship opportunities go to www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/services-awards

The Alumni Family Entrance Scholarship is awarded on the basis of high school credits earned outside of Winnipeg. In order to be considered for this award, you must have a parent or grandparent who is an alumnus of The University of Winnipeg, United or Wesley College. If you believe that you qualify, contact the Alumni Office for more information at alumni@uwinnipeg.ca

After completing one year (two terms) at The University of Winnipeg, international students can apply for a wide range of undergraduate awards and scholarships for continuing students.

International students who have completed at least one term of study and who have demonstrated financial need may apply to the “International Student Bursary Program” for financial assistance. Please contact the Awards and Financial Aid Office for more information and the appropriate forms by emailing awards@uwinnipeg.ca

Employment Opportunities

All international students may apply for jobs on campus. After six months as a full-time student here, you may apply for a permit to work off campus. For more information, see the section on Employment.

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