

2016-09-10 11:39:40 加拿大留学云 4008-941-360






Brescia UniversityCollege


西安大略大学布雷舍尔女子大学学院Brescia University College,建于1919年,是加拿大唯一的大学女校,也是欧美著名的大学女校之一。与传统的女校不同的是,该学院允许其它院系的男生来此选课,为学生的正常交往创造了条件。与此同时,在布雷舍尔女子学院注册的学生,每学期除了必须在本院修的2门课程以外,其它课可以在其它院系修读。女校的班级较小,因此每个学生都有更多机会。


布雷舍尔女子学院Brescia University College位于安大略省的伦敦市,只需两个小时就可到达多伦多市。她隶属于世界一流学府---西安大略大学。该大学学院主要提供大学提供文科、社会科学、组织管理学、食品营养学、社区开发等领域的课程,现有学生960人,是一所著名的密迷你型大学学院。作为西安大略大学的直属学院,她坐落在西安大略大学校园的西部。


学院为学生提供了各种各样的优越条件,具备一流的教学和生活设施。布雷舍尔女子大学学院CultureWorks语言中心为学习成绩合格但语言成绩尚有欠缺的学生提供语言课程。学生在被学校录取后,可参加ESL项目。学生考试合格即可被正式录取参加本科阶段的学术课程学习,无需TOEFL成绩。授课地点在大学校园内,学生可以使用大学校园的各项设施。同时安排有各种文化活动帮助学生更好的融入北美校园生活。CultureWorks ESL语言课程不仅教授英语基础知识,而且向学生传播西方文化和学术传统,后者对不同心智模式和思维方法的分析披露尤其有助于增强学生与西方人士交流时的信心。正是因为CultureWorks将ESL语言技能和西方文化背景知识有机结合,才使您有可能在西方学术和社会环境中如鱼得水、游刃有余。


1.雷舍尔女子学院Brescia University College,建于1919年,是加拿大唯一的大学女校。

2.雷舍尔女子学院Brescia University College坐落在加拿大风景秀美的著名城市伦敦,位于安大略省西南部的加拿大第一大都市多伦多和著名的美国汽车城底特律之间,北美中西部五大湖工业区中心。伦敦市是加拿大工业、学术中心,人口34万。冬季平均气温摄氏零下6度,夏季平均气温摄氏26度。该市距加拿大多伦多和底特律均为两小时车程。

3.雷舍尔女子学院Brescia University College属于世界一流学府---西安大略大学,学生毕业后颁发西安大略大学证书。

4.雷舍尔女子学院 Brescia University College提供文科、社会科学、组织管理学、食品营养学、社区开发等领域的课程。

5.雷舍尔女子学院 Brescia University College提供丰厚的奖学金,学生获奖学金的机会大。



1. 中英文高中成绩单

2. 会考、高考成绩

3. 高中毕业证

4. 如果学生已经毕业六个月以上需要提供一份简历和中英文空当经历证明

5. 雅思6.5,单项不低于6。(语言未达到要求或无语言,可以申请有条件录取。)

Foods &Nutrition Awards

BresciaUniversity College is very well known for its Foods and Nutrition program andthe dedicated faculty and staff who are committed to student success.

CanadianAssociation of Foodservice Professionals

All of these winnerswere formally recognized at the CAFP National Conference on May 2nd to 5th inLondon, ON.

Current Brescia MScFN     student, Anna Shier – Ecolab Bursary ($1,000)

Current Brescia MScFN     student, Stephanie Varriano – Campbell’s Bursary ($1,000)

Current Brescia MScFN     student, Kathryn Morgan – Maple Leaf Bursary ($1,000)

Dietitians ofCanada Award Winners

All of thesewinners were formally recognized at the DC Conference from June 14th to 16th inToronto.

Alumna, Sylvia Ley (‘10) –     DC Graduate Award (while she pursuing her PhD at the University of     Toronto)

Incoming Brescia MScFN     student Olivia Siswanto – Mead Johnson Nutrition award

Current Brescia MScFN     student Kimberley Sandiland – JVT Memorial Dietetic Intern Bursary

Current Brescia MScFN     student Shannon Richter – regional Morgan Medal from the Canadian     Foundation for Dietetic Research for her research.

Foods andNutrition

Brescia University College is very well known for its Foods and Nutritionprogram and the dedicated faculty and staff who are committed to studentsuccess. Student-centred classes encourage participation and discussion andallow for interactive learning. Please see ourcurrent list of awards.

In the Foods andNutrition program you will be involved in various community volunteeropportunities in the London area and on Brescia’s campus, including workingwith Dietitians. This helps strengthen your resume when applying to internshipprograms in your fourth year.

Modules in Foodsand Nutrition

Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics     (BSc)

Honors Specialization in Food Science and Technology     (BSc)

Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Families (BA)

Honors Specialization in Food Management (BMOS)

Honours Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics/HBA     Combined Degree Program

Specialization in Foods and Nutrition (BSc)

Specialization in Nutrition and Families (BA)

Specialization in Food Management (BMOS)

Major in Nutrition and Families

Major in Food Management (BMOS)

Minor in Foods and Nutrition


Student Human Ecology Association (SHEA)

Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals     (CAFP) - Brescia

CAFP Brescia     Student Branch Newsletters

Featured CAFP     Recipies

Prediabetes Initiative and Partnership

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