立思辰留学360介绍,西蒙菲莎大学对于学业成绩出众的学生提供一定数量的Entrance Scholarships,有的需要提出申请,有的则不需要提出申请,但大部分的奖学金只限提供给本国公民或永久居民,只有极其少数的Entrance Scholarships项目可供海外留学生申请,比如:International Summit Scholarships、India Entrance Scholarship、United World College scholarship、Tadeusz Specht Memorial Scholarship、Phi Theta International和Stanley Morisse Memorial scholarship等项目。
留学360介绍,总的来说,西蒙菲莎大学的Entrance Scholarship有:
Columbia College alumnus
India entrance scholarship
King George Secondary School student
New Westminster Senior Secondary School student going into
Phi Theta Kappa members
Similkameen Secondary School student (Mona F East Memorial
students entering SFU Surrey
United World College student
University of Cypress or Cypriot secondary school student
and more from other sources
Scholarship Value Number Application Procedure
International Academic Excellence Scholarship$5,000 over two
termsAll high school students with an average of 95% or 34 IB
points or better No application required. All applicants to
SFU considered automatically.
International Summit Scholarships$3,500 over two termsAll high
school students with an average of 90%+ or 31 IB points
Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship$5,0002No
application required. Given annually on the basis of high
academic performance to graduating high school students from a developing country worldwide
Tadeusz Specht Memorial Scholarships、H.Y. Louie or Lohn Foundation Entrance Awards、W. Ronald Heath International Entrance Scholarship、Columbia College Alumnus Entrance Scholarship、India Entrance Scholarship、SFU Africa Entrance Scholarship、Phi Theta Kappa International $3,500 Summit Scholarships、SFU-ZU Dual Degree Program Entrance Scholarships and Awards。