

2017-05-16 09:08:42 加拿大留学云 4008-941-360





Full-time Students - Post-Secondary Day Programs

A full-time student is one whose course load is at least 70% of the hours or 2/3 of the courses required for the program and semester in which the student is enrolled.

Fees 2011/2012 Academic Year (Standard Two-Semester Program)

Programs which are less than or greater than two semesters will have the fees adjusted.


$2,424.00 (first year)

$2,412.80 (second year)

$2,400.00(third year)

Full time Ancillary Fee



$3,393.00 (first year)

$3,381.80 (second year)

$3,369.20 (third year)

*Tuition for the Practical Nursing program is $3,435.00 (first year) or $3,307.80 (second year) plus $969.00 ancillary fees.

*Tuition for Collaborative Nursing Degree program is $5,350.80 (first year) or $5,325.20 (second year) plus $969.00 ancillary fees.

All fees are payable no later than July 9 except when otherwise advised by the Registrar's Office. Textbooks, instruments and supplies vary in cost from $500.00 to $2,500.00 per year. Most of these items are available through the College bookstore.

Students who officially withdraw up to and including the first ten (10) days of scheduled classes of a semester are entitled to receive a refund of tuition and ancillary fees for that semester less a $100.00 administrative charge and a $50.00 deferral fee, if applicable. The College will refund in full any tuition paid in advance for second and subsequent semesters. Failure to attend does not constitute a withdrawal. Students must inform the Registrar's Office, in writing, that they are withdrawing. Withdrawal forms are available from  the Student Success Mentors.

A $50.00 administrative fee will be assessed at the time of payment to all students deferring fees or paying by installment. This administrative fee is non-refundable.

Some programs charge an additional consumables fee. Information will be included with the fee statement.

International students who officially withdraw within 10  days of scheduled classes of  a semester or the beginning of a period for which the student paid fees in the case of a non-semestered or continuous intake program of instruction will receive a refund of a portion of the full tuition and ancillary fees paid for the semester or program period, calculated according to the following equation:

Refund = fees paid - $500 withdrawal fee and a refund in full of any tuition and ancillary fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters.

For all students, please note that after 10  days of scheduled classes, colleges are required to refund only tuition fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters.

Ancillary Fees

All full-time students must pay mandatory Ancillary Fees of $969.00.  Winter registration students pay $484.50 and summer students pay $261.50.

These fees include:

Activity Fee: A fee to sponsor social activities and to manage the general office of the Students’ Association   a photo ID card and a student handbook.

Athletics Fee: A fee to assist with the operating expenses of Intercollegiate and Intramural Athletic activities, campus recreation facilities and the operation of the Fitness Centre.

Facilities Enhancement Fee: A fee to assist with the operating costs, facilities enhancement costs of the Student Centre.

Accident Insurance Fee: A fee to pay for a group accident insurance policy. Covers 80% of prescription drugs.

Alumni Fee: A fee to support the Alumni Association and its programs.

Health Centre Fee: A fee to maintain the operation of the Health Centre.

Locker Fee: A fee for the use of a locker.

CJLX Fee: A fee to support the operation of the on-campus FM radio station.

Information Technology Fee: A fee to provide for open access computer facilities for the sole use of students, an overnight printing service, student e-mail accounts, and e-mail training and support.

Support Services Fee: Peer Tutoring, Career and Employment and Wellness Services.

Admissions and Graduation Fee: assist with costs related to  Convocation ceremonies and admissions.

The individual fee amounts are as follows:


The individual fee amounts are as follows:

Per Year Full Amount Paid in Fall Term


Student Government Activity Fee


Student Handbook Fee


Student ID Card Fee





Facilities Enhancement Fee



Student Centre Fee



Athletics Fee


Fitness Centre Fee


Campus Recreation Facility Fee







Health Centre Fee


Accident Insurance Fee





Peer Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre Fee


Wellness Services Fee





Employment & Career Services Fee



Technology Fee



Admissions Fee


Graduation Fee (each year)





Alumni Fee



91X Radio Fee




Access Copyright Fee




·  A fee is charged per year for all full time students at the Belleville campus.

· The fee is to be paid at the start of the first term.

· For each new intake during the academic year, the rates are adjusted.

· The fee is non-refundable after 10 days of scheduled classes from the start of the term.

Incidental Administrative Charges

· Official Transcripts

(students in attendance prior to 1995) $5.75

· Course Outline Requests $5.00 per course to a max. of $250.00

· Deferral Fee $50.00 (fees paid in two installments)

· Penalty for NSF Cheques $35.00

· Prior Learning Assessment (per course) $100.00

· Replacement of Diploma $37.45

· Supplemental Exam Fee $25.00

· Transfer Credit/Exemption Fee $25.00 per course

· Unofficial Transcripts (students in attendance prior to 1995) $2.30

· Admin fee part-time student withdrawals $20.00 per course

Part-time Students - Post-Secondary Day Programs

Students taking a course load which is less than that prescribed for full-time students are designated as part-time students. The standard tuition fee for all part-time courses is $4.84 per hour, plus an ancillary fee of $1.80 per Student Contact Hour (SCH). Part-time students seeking membership in the Students' Association may make application during or after registration.

Challenge Process and Portfolio Assessment Fee:

Students who apply to challenge a course by portfolio, examination, demonstration or other acceptable method, will be assessed a non-refundable fee of $100.00, to a maximum of $1,000.00.

Short Skills Programs (under 50 weeks)

For Skills programs, the tuition fee is calculated at the rate of $61.75 per week. Additional fees may be assessed for some programs. The full fee is payable in advance of registration. Fee information for specific Skills programs can be obtained by inquiring at the Admissions Office.

International Applicants

Visa student applicants must pay the following fees for regular full-time post-secondary programs – two semesters per year. Programs which are less than or greater than two semesters will have the fees adjusted:

(Degree program tuition is $13,252.00)

Tuition - Diploma programs $11,000.00

Ancillary Fees $921.00

Health Insurance Fee $600.00

Fees for the full program year are to be paid prior to the commencement of classes for all international students. Applicants unable to obtain a student visa to enter Canada are refunded their fees less an administration charge of $250.00.

After 10 business days, colleges are required to refund only fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters.  Health Insurance fees will remain active for the year, and will not be refunded.

Method of Payment

You can make your payments using:

· Your bank (in person or through the bank’s online and automated bill payment options)

· A bank wire transfer (for international students)

· A personal cheque (Canadian residents only) or money order, by mail or in person

· A debit card or cash, if paying in person.

Credit cards are no longer accepted for tuition fees, ancillary fees and residence rent.

Payment forms are included in the fee payment package. There is a $35.00 charge for N.S.F. (non-sufficient funds) cheques.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to complete the official withdrawal process and/or to apply for fee refunds. Application for a fee refund should be made to the Registrar's Office. Overpayments are not automatically refunded.  Withdrawal forms are available from the Student Success Mentors.

Fee refunds are issued directly to the student.


Students who are in any way indebted to the College do not receive course marks or a transcript of their marks, graduation certificate or diploma, until the debt is cleared.

Please Note

Fees charged for full and part-time credit programs are established by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, and can be changed without advance notice. The fees indicated here are those in place for the 2011/2012 academic year.


Income Tax Receipts

Students can print an official copy of the Tuition and Education Credit Certificate (T2202A) for income tax purposes from their Banner account. This certificate includes both the number of months of schooling and the fees paid for the calendar year. Duplicate certificates are issued if requested.

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