Anthropology (ANTH)
Art History and Communication Studies (ARTH and COMS)
Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies
Cognitive Science
Computer Science (COMP)
East Asian Studies (EAST)
Economics (ECON)
Education for Arts Students
Educational Psychology
English (ENGL)
English Language and Academic Writing Courses (CESL and CEAP)
French Language Centre (FLC)
French Language and Literature (FREN)
Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies
Geography (GEOG)
History and Classical Studies (HIST and CLAS)
Information Studies (GLIS)
Institute for the Study of Canada
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Development Studies (INTD)
Jewish Studies (JWST)
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LLCU)
Linguistics (LING)
Management for Arts Students
Mathematics and Statistics (MATH)
Medieval Studies
Music (MUAR)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Political Science (POLI)
Psychology (PSYC)
Religious Studies (RELG)
Science for Arts Students
Social Studies of Medicine (SSMD)
Social Work (SWRK)
Sociology (SOCI)
World Islamic and Middle East Studies (ISLA)
人文社科学院 Faculty of Arts
自然科学学院 Faculty of Science
工程院 Faculty of Engineering
法学院 Faculty of Law
医学院 Faculty of Medicine (1901年与主教大学医学院合并)
牙科学院 Faculty of Dentistry
商学院 Desautels Faculty of Management
教育学院 Faculty of Education
农业与环境科学学院 Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
宗教研究学院 Faculty of Religious Studies
建筑学院 School of Architecture
城市设计学院 School of Urban Planning
计算机科学学院 School ofComputer Science
信息研究院 School of Information Studies
营养学院 School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition
环境学院 School of Environment
护理学院 Ingram School of Nursing
理疗学院 School of Physical & Occupational Therapy
社会活动学院 School of Social Work
音乐学院 Schulich School of Music
继续教育学院 School of Continuing Studies